SCCC Club Center

WARNING: The map will only be visible and functional in modern browsers

The four markers on the map represent the locations of:

Use the standard controls to zoom the map in or out. You may also click and drag on the map to reposition the map. Controls at the upper right allow you to show the map, show aerial photo or both.

Red bordered triangle, roughly in the center of the map, is the intersection of the 175-mile ARRL limit from Las Vegas, Yuma and Santa Barbara. The entire triangle is within 175 miles of San Diego.

To create a 175-mile radius circle, click on the point on the map that you wish to be the center. The circle will be visible at any relevant zoom level or pan position of the map. To draw another circle, refresh/update the page in your browser.

Revision Date: November 12, 2005
© 2005 Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, All Rights Reserved